More people reading ebooks on iPhone than Kindle or Sony Reader?

According to Forbes, "It's official: The iPhone is more popular than's Kindle. And not just in the obvious categories like listening to music, browsing the Web or the other applications where Kindle barely competes. Now, the iPhone is also muscling into Amazon's home turf: reading books."

Apparently a new ebook reader, Stanza, downloadable free from Apple App Store, if you own an iPhone or iPod touch. The Stanza reader is able to read most to the current versions of ebook formats, including Microsoft's lit and Word, PDF and even Palm docs.  And there is a desktop version, too, for PC.

Says Lexcycle, the maker of Stanza: "Stanza features built-in support for HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word, and Rich Text Format reading, as well as all the major eBook standards: unprotected Amazon Kindle and Mobipocket, Microsoft LIT, Palm doc, and the International Digital Publishing Forum's new epub Open eBook standard. In addition to supporting a plethora of formats, Stanza features an open API that allows developers to implement support for their own document formats. Stanza is more than just a reader: it is a reading platform!"


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