"Are you the last [person] in [KL] [NY] taking a book out from a library?"

Carrie walking down the steps of the New York Library, with some books

Last night I watched Sex and the City. In one scene, when they were snug in bed, with their bedtime reads, Mr Big asked Carrie, "Are you the last person in New York to take a book out from the library?" (or something to that effect if my memory serves me well - which doesn't sometimes - age, age!)

I feel like that sometimes, about taking books out of our own National Library. Most times I'm practically the only one wandering about the shelves.


  1. Ted Mahsun says

    The question here isn't whether you're the last person taking a book out of the library, but rather why are you watching Sex and the City?

    *cocks eyebrow*

    Leon Wing says

    Why ever not, watching Sex and the City? (eye brow as high as they can go) You have to watch it too, it's a great movie, like an extended TV episode.

    Martin Bradley says
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    Martin Bradley says

    Probably because if my experience in Ipoh has anything to go by all the library's money was obviously spent building the library with little money, and perhaps less will to buy books.

    It is a disgrace. The shelves are practically empty.

    An even bigger disgrace is the fact that I live permanently in Malaysia but have no residency, no residency means I cannot join Ipoh library.

    Leon Wing says

    Yusuf, you mean the Ipoh library is empty of books? I used to think that of our National Lbrary in KL, but I think things are changing there, but very, very slowly. Im seeing new books, sometimes.

    Martin Bradley says

    May I refer you to a little piece I wrote a while ago about this very subject..


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